💙Eddington Bend to Bangor Waterfront💙
This ceremonial canoe journey from Alnape Menahan //Indian Island to the ocean at Mαli-pakαnsisíhkok //Sears Island. Penobscot people and Wabanaki kin are reclaiming our ancestral route to the Penobscot Bay, and grow our knowing that we are river AND ocean people! We will make this journey throughout August until we conclude the final leg on Saturday the 24th.
Niweskok: From the Stars to Seeds is hosting this ceremony for Wabanaki communities with organizing leadership from Mark Ranco & Chippy Loring. Shout out to Penobscot Nation Youth Program & John Neptune for allowing use the canoes, paddles and life jackets!
Please sign up to join the war canoe paddle on the 24th✨️
Photo credit to Jessica Sockbeson & Nicole Francis 🫶🏽