Our Work
Wabanaki Rematriation School
We engage Wabanaki families in rematriating our foodways and in feeding our communities. At the root of each community harvest, workshop and the curriculum materials we develop is the transmission of traditional ecological knowledge through Wabanaki languages, history, stories, ecology & climate adaptation.
Restoring Food Access
We restore access to land, water & foods especially in coastal areas, through relationships with land trusts, public lands & parks, and private landowners. We have secured access to wild blueberries, cranberries, wild rice, shellfish, seaweed, traditional medicines, and much more for Wabanaki communities.
Building Food Producer Capacity
We enhance the capacity of Wabanaki producers and Wabanaki-led food & medicine projects. We uplift movers and shakers in tribal communities through technical assistance, trainings, biennial seed & plant distributions, shared tools & equipment and organizing work parties.
Mawiomi Garden
We grow five acres of heirloom traditional “sister crops” and raise poultry for community distribution as part of our Mawiomi Garden and the Youth Apprenticeship Program. We host community days at the gardens, and provide food processing and preservation workshops. Our harvests are the core of the foods shared in Niweskok’s community distributions.
We facilitate, through our Wabanaki Community Apothecary, earth-based medicine teachings, harvesting activities, group medicine making, community medicine distribution, and long-term expert led apprenticeships.
Wabanaki Community Apothecary
Indigenous Life Cycle Teachings Reclamation
We support Indigenous Birthwork and Life Cycle Teachings Reclamation: Food work is life cycle work, these connections to the cycles of the land support the restoration of connection to the cycles of our lives through birth, coming of age, menopause, and death ceremonies